LIFE 10 NAT/ES/000582
Lucha contra las especies invasoras en las cuencas hidrográficas  de los ríos Tajo y Guadiana en la Península Ibérica
The main buyers of these species are usually schoolchildren awarded for good academic performance, or those looking for a playmate to play with. These animals do not require much care, so they are therefore considered to be the 'ideal pets'. But then, they grow up, sometimes changing their habits and necessities, which may lead children to lose their interest in their pets,  subsequently abandoning them. When people abandon these species, they might do it out of the best  of intentions, without taking into consideration any of the possible negative effects of this action. In some cases, animals may die of starvation, cold, or killed by other animals; whereas some others,  having an invasive potential, may survive and reproduce in our ecosystems, causing serious damage to it and our native species.
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Those are the reasons why the INVASEP Club needs your support and collaboration, promoting the raise of  
awareness, and civic education in relation to this problem.  

From the INVASEP Club, we want to make didactic material based on the INVASEP Project available for you, so  
you can present it to schoolchildren in educational workshops. The material consists of a students' activity  
book which contains a series of activities for children in the 5th-6th years of Primary Education, through which  
they will acquire specific objectives related to the invasive species problem. These didactic units are supported  
by the teachers' book, which contains information, objectvies, methodology, and evaluation criteria that will  
help in developing the already mentioned activities.  

By using this material, it is our intention to guide you in working with students on the big problem that the  
introduction of alien invasive species in our ecosystems mean.
The LIFE+ INVASEP Project will start educational workshops on exotic species in 60 Primary and Secondary schools, in Extremadura (Spain) and the Alentejo region (Portugal).
Biological invasions are considered to be a serious threat for worldwide biodiversity. Pathways of introduction are diverse, and they vary depending on the particular habits of societies.

Acquiring alien invasive species (AIS) to keep them as pets, and later releasing them into nature is one of the main pathways of dispersal in our ecosytems. This is an old practice that began in the 19th century, when people started collecting exotic animals. Nowadays, it has become a popular hobbie due to the ease with which exotic animals can be acquired at any pet shop.
Material didáctico para EDUCADORES y ALUMNOS

Cuaderno del alumno "llegan los invasores"
Teacher´s notebook. “El mejillón cebra y las especies invasoras de agua dulce” (CH Ebro)
Student activity book.  “El mejillón cebra y las especies invasoras de agua dulce” (CH Ebro)
Cuento "el malvado mejillón cebra" (CH Ebro)
El mejillón cebra en la cuenca del Ebro (CH Ebro)
Folleto sobre el mejillón cebra (CH Ebro)
Material didáctico para POBLACIÓN EN GENERAL

Folleto divulgativo LIFE+ INVASEP
Cartel del Proyecto LIFE+ INVASEP
Triptico "especies invasoras" (mascotismo)
Tríptico "especies invasoras" (salud Pública)  - Programa de las Jornadas en Badajoz y Cáceres
Pegatinas sobre el proyecto en Formato digital
Volver a la página de inicio del CLUB INVASEP
Volver a la página de inicio del LIFE+ INVASEP
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Otros idiomas
Portal INVASEP en castellano
Portal INVASEP en portugués
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Beneficiario Coordinador
Beneficiario Asociados
Tfnos:  924 48 82 32 - 671 482 974- 699 372 421
© 2017 Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas
Agrarias y Territorio - DG Medio Ambiente - GPEX
Con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea
© Créditos

Beneficiario Coordinador
Beneficiario Asociados
Tfnos:  924 48 82 32 - 671 482 974- 699 372 421
© Créditos

Beneficiario Coordinador
Beneficiario Asociados
© 2017 Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas
Agrarias y Territorio - DG Medio Ambiente - GPEX
Con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea