LIFE 10 NAT/ES/000582
Lucha contra las especies invasoras en las cuencas hidrográficas  de los ríos Tajo y Guadiana en la Península Ibérica
Did you know thtat the Government of Extremadura will take charge of your exotic pet if you cannot take care of it any more?

The Government of Extremadura has decided to launch a campaign through which it will take charge of exotic pets that are being abandoned lately.
Releasing exotic pets into nature is one of the main pathways through which invasive species are introduced in our ecosystems. When we do this, we might think that is the best solution for out pet, because we want to avoid having them in a cage or in an aquarium; but we do not consider the fact that this new species becomes a rival for our native species and ecosystems. Many of these pets die some days after being released, some from hunger and cold, or killed by other species; but many others survive in the new ecosystems, getting stronger and quickly reproducing, this way displacing native species, and becoming a serious threat for them. These new species also mean a risk for public health, since many of them carry diseases and parasites; and also for our economy, because they may affect fishing activities in a negative way, as well as damage hydraulic infrastructures, or crops.
Sciurus - © Michael Drummond
Sciurus - © Michael Drummond
Therefore, if you have an exotic pet and you can no longer take care of it, DON'T release it  into nature. Call the number 924 930 103, and we will tell you how and when we will pick it up.
This is a list of centres collaborating with the project, where you will have the opportunity to leave your exotic pet.

The objective of this activity is to find new owners that will take charge of those pets. If this is not possible, pets will be killed painlessly.

If you take part in this campaign, you will be contributing to nature conservation, and the fight against alien invasive species.

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Tfnos:  924 48 82 32 - 671 482 974- 699 372 421
© 2017 Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas
Agrarias y Territorio - DG Medio Ambiente - GPEX
Con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea
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Tfnos:  924 48 82 32 - 671 482 974- 699 372 421
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Beneficiario Coordinador
Beneficiario Asociados
© 2017 Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas
Agrarias y Territorio - DG Medio Ambiente - GPEX
Con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea