LIFE 10 NAT/ES/000582
Lucha contra las especies invasoras en las cuencas hidrográficas  de los ríos Tajo y Guadiana en la Península Ibérica
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We also need to consider any expenses related to our pets' welfare that we might need to face (vaccines, deworming, chips, food, etc.).

Finally and most importantly, before we acquire a new pet, we need to be aware of the fact that they are not toys. They will live with us for long periods of time (8-18 years), so we will not be able to get rid of them whenever we get tired of having them at home. These are some examples:

• Dogs: 10-15 years.
• Cats: 10-12 years.
• Canaries: 5-10 years.
• Parrots: 20-60 years.
• Slider turtles: 10-30 years.

If we take all these facts into consideration, we will save a great number of animals which, otherwise, would die, or would end up in Animal Shelters.
If we take all these facts into consideration, we will save a great number of animals which, otherwise, would die, or would end up in Animal Shelters.
TEST: ¿Estoy preparado para SER UN BUEN DUEÑO para una mascota?
Do you think you are ready to adopt a pet?

The reasons why you adopt a new pet may be several. Pets might be good company for older people, playmates for children, etc. In any case, there are certain facts that need to be taken into account. In the first place, pets are animals and, as such, they have their own peculiarities and needs. They directly depend on us, so it is our duty to provide them with a minimum of attention (suitable place where they can live, adequate food, certain knowledge on their race, behaviour, etc., diseases, care they may need, etc.). In all, we need to be ready to take care of our pet, and be aware of any possible requirements.
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Beneficiario Asociados
Tfnos:  924 48 82 32 - 671 482 974- 699 372 421
© 2017 Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas
Agrarias y Territorio - DG Medio Ambiente - GPEX
Con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea
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Beneficiario Coordinador
Beneficiario Asociados
Tfnos:  924 48 82 32 - 671 482 974- 699 372 421
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Beneficiario Coordinador
Beneficiario Asociados
© 2017 Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Rural, Políticas
Agrarias y Territorio - DG Medio Ambiente - GPEX
Con la contribución del instrumento financiero LIFE de la Unión Europea